Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Common Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart suddenly gets blocked. Mostly, the blockage is created by a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances, which form a plaque in the arteries that feed the heart.
Some people may have warning-signs for heart attacks but sometimes it occurs without any specific sign. A heart attack is a serious emergency and you should not wait to seek help if you feel any of these heart attack warning signs. Although some heart attacks are sudden. Most can start slowly, with mild pain in the chest.
Keep an eye on your body and consult a cardiologist if you notice any of these alarming signs:
  • Chest Pain/Body Pain:
 While chest pain is a common sign in heart attacks some may also feel chest tightness or squeezing. You can also feel pain and tightness in other areas of the body like arms, neck, jaw, back or abdomen.
  • Unusual fatigue:
 A sense of extreme tiredness lasting for days or weeks can be an alarming sign of heart trouble. It is more common in women.
  • Nausea:
 Nausea is a feeling of an unpleasant and uneasy sensation. While not painful, it creates discomfort and an urge to vomit and dizziness, etc. Nausea is often related to stomach problems but it can also indicate some unease with heart.
  • Swelling & Sweating:
 A weakened heart pumps blood less effectively which results in swelling (edema) of the lower extremities or abdomen. Heart failure can also lead to a sudden increase in weight and loss of appetite.
Similarly, sweating is a common symptom of heart attacks. Specifically when you break out into a sudden sweat for no reason with lightheadedness and shortness of breath nausea.
These are some main alarming signs for Heart Problems that you should never ignore, If you notice any of the symptoms, see your doctor and get prompt medical treatment.
These symptoms can also be related to other heart problems. Fortis International Bangalore has an advanced centre for Cardiac Sciences with 24X7 ultra-modern heart care facility. Get the best treatment for any type of Heart Problems – Heart Transplantation or Valve Replacement Surgery from the best cardiologists in India. 

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