Tuesday, November 19, 2019

5 in 1 Suffer from Arthritis – Causes, Types and Treatment

arthritis treatment in india
Arthritis affects over 180 million people in India. Higher than many recognised diseases such as diabetes, AIDS and cancer. 
Arthritis contains around 200 conditions that affect the joints. Arthritis most often affects adults aged more than 65 years, but it can also trouble young people including children. Find best orthopaedic specialists in Bangalore, India, visit here.
Arthritis can cause swelling and stiffness in your joints, which usually gets serious with age. The worst thing about Arthritis is – It limits a person’s ability to perform everyday tasks. In addition to the age factor, lifestyle is also responsible for health problems causing Arthritis.
Here we’re going to discuss causes, types and treatment for Arthritis in detail:

Main causes of arthritis

Arthritis can be related to more than one cause. It is complex to determine the obvious reason behind it. However, the predictable reasons can be:
  • Injury due to accident etc
  • Abnormal fat causing an extra load to joints
  • Inheritance factors like osteoarthritis
  • Infections in some cases
  • Immune system dysfunction

Types of arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis: This kind of Arthritis mainly caused by the breakdown of joint tissues eventually leads to severe or mild pain.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: In this case, the joints and other organs are attacked by the body’s own immune system.
Apart from these, many other types of Arthritis have been divided based on the causes like – Inflammatory arthritis, mechanical arthritis, musculoskeletal pain, back pain etc.

 Treatment for arthritis

Arthritis treatment primarily depends on the type of Arthritis:
  • Medications:
Non-inflammatory types of arthritis are often treated with pain-reducing medications.
  • Therapy
Physical therapies i. e. yoga & weight loss programs can be helpful in some types of Arthritis.
  • Surgery (Joint replacement):
Sometimes patients need to go for joint repair or joint replacement surgery to prevent the problem from getting too critical.
Learn about the different types of joint surgery for arthritis. And available therapies. Doctors at Fortis International are making life easier for hundreds of arthritis and joint injury patients with the advance technique and high-tech approach. 
Know more about Arthritis treatment at Fortis Hospital

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