Thursday, July 18, 2019

Three Common Myths about Cardiac Surgery

There are a lot of assumptions we make or have about our hearts. And for each myth, there’s often some truth upon which it is founded.

Take heart attacks, for instance.

Most people imagine they would know when they are having a heart attack. With all the sweating, soreness in the left arm and sudden disabling chest pain, it’s not difficult for an individual to recognize symptoms of a heart attack.
But that’s always not the case. Sometimes the signs are much more subtle. In order to recognize the signs of having a heart disorder, consult at Fortis Hospitals, renowned to be the best cardiac hospital in India.

So here are six major hearth health myths that need to be busted:

Myth 1: ‘I would know if I had high blood pressure or high cholesterol’

Not unless you get a blood pressure or cholesterol test done, you wouldn’t ever know if you’ve them. When high blood pressure is represented with symptoms like headaches or renal failure, it’s more difficult to control at that stage. Early treatment is essential in order to prevent end organ damage which is usually irreversible.

Myth 2: Heart disease treats men and women the same

Heart disease can affect the sexes very differently. This begins with symptoms. Although many people explain the pain as “elephant sitting on the chest” when they have a heart attack but there are less traditional symptoms and they are more common among women. Nausea or indigestion can also be some of the atypical symptoms forewarning a heart attack. Pay attention to how you feel before it’s too late.

Myth 3: Younger women aren’t at risk

If you think heart disease are for older women and men, and not for the younger crowd, you are believing in a myth. Risk factors that contribute to heart disease including obesity, type 2 diabetes and hypertension are showing now in younger women.

It’s never too late to treat a heart disease. Small lifestyle changes are key factors in preventing heart disease and controlling risk factors. Fortis Hospitals, known to be one of the premium cardiac care hospitals in India will provide you with every possible guidance you need.

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