Tuesday, March 17, 2020

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer

While memory loss / inability in keeping track of everyday moments might very casually be associated with aging and / or addiction, it might actually be a warning call for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is a brain ailment that leads to the slow degradation of the brain’s retention, thinking, and reasoning abilities or skills. Although the symptoms are very close to everyday occurrences, an expert doctor’s opinion must be taken.
Here are 10 early signs and symptoms that must prompt you to immediately seek
Alzheimer’s treatment in India

1. Memory Loss – You may find yourself in a state where you are facing difficulty
remembering important events and dates and may have to take a greater reliance on
reminders, notes, etc. However, you must not confuse this with the normal human habit of forgetting something but remembering it later as most of us tend to do so.
2. Trouble planning and difficulty in problem-solving – Sometimes you may find it
extremely strenuous to make plans and stick to them. You may even sometimes forget some processes which you have been practising for a long time for now or find it tedious to solve normal, simple problems or plan your day/schedule.
3. Familiar tasks become laborious – You may even forget ways to places you frequent,
or forget the rules of a favourite game, or forget normal, everyday tasks and activities. If you find tasks that you have been doing on a familiar basis suddenly becoming daunting, it might be time to see the doctor.
4. Timings and places become confusing – Have you ever felt that you are downright
confused? You can’t seem to figure out where you are, or how you got there in the first
place? Do you feel like you are losing a grasp over reality? These are tell-tale signs that you may need to get a check-up.
5.  Ability to differentiate – Is it difficult for you to read too many words together? Are you facing issues while approximating a distance? Do you get confused between different colours because you can’t make out either of them?
6. Disinterest in conversations – Do you feel at a loss for words when trying to
communicate or do you mess up/confuse names when describing something? Do you feel
conversations are becoming tough for you to keep? Do you lose track too fast or get
distracted easily? These are classic signs that you may have to consult a doctor.
7. Losing/misplacing things – A lot of us have the habit of losing/misplacing things, or
keeping them in unusual places but have your actions become unreal lately? Do you find
yourself forgetting something and unable to retrace your way back to it? Or have you been doing highly unusual things of late like putting your watch in the microwave?
8. Problems in conducting judgement – Do you feel like lately you have become
someone who you typically aren’t, such as doing things which you otherwise wouldn’t
normally do or doing things that go against what you believe in? For example, do you face difficulties in judging the weather before deciding what to wear?
9. Social Distancing – Do you find it difficult to socialize or do you find yourself
withdrawing? Maybe, preferring to sleep, or be alone most of the time instead of being in the company of people.

10. Mood Swings – Do you experience sudden fluctuations in your mood? Do you tend to
feel depressed, upset, or anxious for absolutely no reason?

If you feel that you are tending to exude any of the above symptoms, it’s advisable to always go to a professional for a check-up. While the symptoms may be completely normal, the degree to which it happens actually draws the line between normal and something may be wrong. Alzheimer’s, when it comes to curing, mostly involves medication, cognitive treatments and/or brain surgery and it is always advisable to check for the best options available in the domain of Brain Surgery in India or you could visit one of the best Brain Surgery Hospitals in Bangalore such as Fortis International if you are residing in Bangalore.
The sooner you know, the better. Starting treatment early may help relieve some symptoms and keep you independent longer. It also helps you plan better. You can work out your living arrangements, make financial and legal decisions, and build up your support netw Alzheimer’s disease ork. An Alzheimer’s patient requires the intervention and expertise of a neurologist, as the ailment affects the state and functioning of the human brain so any surgeries/treatment procedures employed have to be first approved by a seasoned neurologist.

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10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer

While memory loss / inability in keeping track of everyday moments might very casually be associated with aging and / or addiction, i...