Monday, August 26, 2019

Indications for Liver Transplantation

In general, liver transplantation is indicated in children and adults suffering from irreversible liver dysfunction or the effects of liver dysfunction after alternative medical and surgical treatments have been put to use. Consult at Fortis Hospitals for it offers premium liver transplant surgery in India.

Specific indications can include:

1.      Acute hepatic fulminant failure

2.      Extrahepatic biliary atresia or hypoplasia

3.      Inborn errors of metabolism involve:

·         Alpha-I antitrypsin

·         Crigler-Najjar disease, Type I

·         Byler’s disease

·         Glycogen storage disease, Type I

·         Wilson’s disease

·         Hemochromatosis

·         Tyrosinemia

·         Wolman’s disease

·         Other

4.      Sclerosing cholangitis

5.      Hepatic vein thrombosis

6.      Hepatocellular Carcinoma

·         Cirrhosis including:

·         Alcohol cirrhosis

·         Biliary cirrhosis

·         Chronic active hepatitis

·         Congenital biliary cirrhosis

·         Cryptogenic cirrhosis

·         Viral cirrhosis

·         Other

Equipped with best in-class facilities and a set of erudite doctors, Fortis Hospitals is known to be one of the best liver transplant hospitals in India.

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