Tuesday, March 17, 2020

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer

While memory loss / inability in keeping track of everyday moments might very casually be associated with aging and / or addiction, it might actually be a warning call for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is a brain ailment that leads to the slow degradation of the brain’s retention, thinking, and reasoning abilities or skills. Although the symptoms are very close to everyday occurrences, an expert doctor’s opinion must be taken.
Here are 10 early signs and symptoms that must prompt you to immediately seek
Alzheimer’s treatment in India

1. Memory Loss – You may find yourself in a state where you are facing difficulty
remembering important events and dates and may have to take a greater reliance on
reminders, notes, etc. However, you must not confuse this with the normal human habit of forgetting something but remembering it later as most of us tend to do so.
2. Trouble planning and difficulty in problem-solving – Sometimes you may find it
extremely strenuous to make plans and stick to them. You may even sometimes forget some processes which you have been practising for a long time for now or find it tedious to solve normal, simple problems or plan your day/schedule.
3. Familiar tasks become laborious – You may even forget ways to places you frequent,
or forget the rules of a favourite game, or forget normal, everyday tasks and activities. If you find tasks that you have been doing on a familiar basis suddenly becoming daunting, it might be time to see the doctor.
4. Timings and places become confusing – Have you ever felt that you are downright
confused? You can’t seem to figure out where you are, or how you got there in the first
place? Do you feel like you are losing a grasp over reality? These are tell-tale signs that you may need to get a check-up.
5.  Ability to differentiate – Is it difficult for you to read too many words together? Are you facing issues while approximating a distance? Do you get confused between different colours because you can’t make out either of them?
6. Disinterest in conversations – Do you feel at a loss for words when trying to
communicate or do you mess up/confuse names when describing something? Do you feel
conversations are becoming tough for you to keep? Do you lose track too fast or get
distracted easily? These are classic signs that you may have to consult a doctor.
7. Losing/misplacing things – A lot of us have the habit of losing/misplacing things, or
keeping them in unusual places but have your actions become unreal lately? Do you find
yourself forgetting something and unable to retrace your way back to it? Or have you been doing highly unusual things of late like putting your watch in the microwave?
8. Problems in conducting judgement – Do you feel like lately you have become
someone who you typically aren’t, such as doing things which you otherwise wouldn’t
normally do or doing things that go against what you believe in? For example, do you face difficulties in judging the weather before deciding what to wear?
9. Social Distancing – Do you find it difficult to socialize or do you find yourself
withdrawing? Maybe, preferring to sleep, or be alone most of the time instead of being in the company of people.

10. Mood Swings – Do you experience sudden fluctuations in your mood? Do you tend to
feel depressed, upset, or anxious for absolutely no reason?

If you feel that you are tending to exude any of the above symptoms, it’s advisable to always go to a professional for a check-up. While the symptoms may be completely normal, the degree to which it happens actually draws the line between normal and something may be wrong. Alzheimer’s, when it comes to curing, mostly involves medication, cognitive treatments and/or brain surgery and it is always advisable to check for the best options available in the domain of Brain Surgery in India or you could visit one of the best Brain Surgery Hospitals in Bangalore such as Fortis International if you are residing in Bangalore.
The sooner you know, the better. Starting treatment early may help relieve some symptoms and keep you independent longer. It also helps you plan better. You can work out your living arrangements, make financial and legal decisions, and build up your support netw Alzheimer’s disease ork. An Alzheimer’s patient requires the intervention and expertise of a neurologist, as the ailment affects the state and functioning of the human brain so any surgeries/treatment procedures employed have to be first approved by a seasoned neurologist.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Have you ever noticed an unusual kind of memory loss in older people that is different from everyday forgetting? This can be a symptom of Alzheimer's disease which affects older people. Eventually, the disease makes it harder to remember even basic stuff of routine life like how to tie a shoe or names of their family members.

Alzheimer's is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in a person’s memory and mental functions, leading to a serious disruption in his daily life.

If you notice any of these below-given warning signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in you or your elder family members, you should consult with your doctor immediately. If you are looking for the Alzheimer’s treatment in India,
  • Memory loss

Forgetting things abnormally is denoted as the most common sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Your loved one may start forgetting important dates or events or can ask for the same questions repeatedly.
  • Planning and solving problems

Alzheimer’s makes it very difficult to work with numbers or to follow a plan of action like maintaining monthly bills or a checkbook.
  • Daily tasks

Alzheimer's can make even familiar and easy things, a big deal. Some people may experience a greater problem with concentrating on day-to-day tasks like driving a commonly travelled route.
  • Determining time or place 

Losing track of dates and misunderstanding the passage of time are also alarming signs of AD.
  • Vision loss

Problems in reading, judging distance and determining contrast or color when driving.
  • Difficulty in conversation 

People suffering from Alzheimer's may feel trouble while initiating or joining a conversation. They may stop in the middle of a conversation or repeat one sentence many times as they may forget how to finish a sentence or forget the right words for specific items.
  • Misplacing things 

AD can make your or your loved one putting items in unusual places. Leading to the hardships in retracing those items. This condition may also make them think that others are stealing their possessions.
  • Decision-making

Basic decision-making skills in people who are suffering from Alzheimer’s gets drastically decreased. For example, they can’t even decide very small things like whether they should take a bath or not.
  • Social Withdrawal 

Since people with Alzheimer’s start hesitating to initiate or join a conversation, they tend to be less involved in social activities, events, gatherings and they may also feel trouble keeping up with their hobbies.
  • Mood Changes

Extreme mood swings and changes in personality may occur. People with AD can constantly have feelings of confusion, depression, anxiety, fearfulness and suspicious of people.
  • What to do if you notice these signs 

If you notice any of these signs of Alzheimer's in yourself or your loved one, don't ignore them. Talk to a specialist. Explore treatments that may provide some relief of symptoms and help you maintain a level of independence longer.

At Fortis, we have a very experienced Neurosurgery/Neurology team to address a host of functional neurosurgical disorders.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kidney Disease and Dialysis

Kidneys are crucial organs that keep our body healthy in a number of ways, from filtering blood to releasing important hormones into the blood. As kidneys fail, waste builds up. If kidneys stop working properly, the body accumulates extra water and waste products. This condition is called kidney failure. Schedule a checkup at the best kidney carehospital in India.

Kidney damage usually happens over time. Since the symptoms emerge gradually and not specifically related to the disease. Some people might show no symptoms at all and often diagnosed with blood tests.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic kidney disease can occur over a period of months or years – often diagnosed at the end stages. If CKD disease gradually progresses to kidney failure, the only options for the survival of patient remains are - dialysis treatments or a kidney transplant.
Since kidney diseases are often slow in progression, you have to keep an eye on any alarming sign in your body that indicate kidney disease. Specifically, when you are suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure. You need to have regular check-ups to identify the problem.

Kidney Dialysis

Kidney dialysis is a technique that is used to perform many normal functions of the kidneys. The dialysis machine functions as a substitute for your kidneys and cleanses your body’s blood when your kidneys stop working.
Moreover, kidney dialysis is a lifelong process unless a kidney transplant is performed.

Kidney Transplant

In this process, a healthy kidney is taken from a living or deceased donor and placed in the recipient’s body whose kidneys are no longer working.

Fortis Hospitals offer advance & complete treatment for kidney disease. With a team of experienced nephrologists specializedin treating all kinds of kidney disorders, chronic kidney diseases, kidney transplantation, including kidney stones.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

5 in 1 Suffer from Arthritis – Causes, Types and Treatment

arthritis treatment in india
Arthritis affects over 180 million people in India. Higher than many recognised diseases such as diabetes, AIDS and cancer. 
Arthritis contains around 200 conditions that affect the joints. Arthritis most often affects adults aged more than 65 years, but it can also trouble young people including children. Find best orthopaedic specialists in Bangalore, India, visit here.
Arthritis can cause swelling and stiffness in your joints, which usually gets serious with age. The worst thing about Arthritis is – It limits a person’s ability to perform everyday tasks. In addition to the age factor, lifestyle is also responsible for health problems causing Arthritis.
Here we’re going to discuss causes, types and treatment for Arthritis in detail:

Main causes of arthritis

Arthritis can be related to more than one cause. It is complex to determine the obvious reason behind it. However, the predictable reasons can be:
  • Injury due to accident etc
  • Abnormal fat causing an extra load to joints
  • Inheritance factors like osteoarthritis
  • Infections in some cases
  • Immune system dysfunction

Types of arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis: This kind of Arthritis mainly caused by the breakdown of joint tissues eventually leads to severe or mild pain.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: In this case, the joints and other organs are attacked by the body’s own immune system.
Apart from these, many other types of Arthritis have been divided based on the causes like – Inflammatory arthritis, mechanical arthritis, musculoskeletal pain, back pain etc.

 Treatment for arthritis

Arthritis treatment primarily depends on the type of Arthritis:
  • Medications:
Non-inflammatory types of arthritis are often treated with pain-reducing medications.
  • Therapy
Physical therapies i. e. yoga & weight loss programs can be helpful in some types of Arthritis.
  • Surgery (Joint replacement):
Sometimes patients need to go for joint repair or joint replacement surgery to prevent the problem from getting too critical.
Learn about the different types of joint surgery for arthritis. And available therapies. Doctors at Fortis International are making life easier for hundreds of arthritis and joint injury patients with the advance technique and high-tech approach. 
Know more about Arthritis treatment at Fortis Hospital

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Common Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart suddenly gets blocked. Mostly, the blockage is created by a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances, which form a plaque in the arteries that feed the heart.
Some people may have warning-signs for heart attacks but sometimes it occurs without any specific sign. A heart attack is a serious emergency and you should not wait to seek help if you feel any of these heart attack warning signs. Although some heart attacks are sudden. Most can start slowly, with mild pain in the chest.
Keep an eye on your body and consult a cardiologist if you notice any of these alarming signs:
  • Chest Pain/Body Pain:
 While chest pain is a common sign in heart attacks some may also feel chest tightness or squeezing. You can also feel pain and tightness in other areas of the body like arms, neck, jaw, back or abdomen.
  • Unusual fatigue:
 A sense of extreme tiredness lasting for days or weeks can be an alarming sign of heart trouble. It is more common in women.
  • Nausea:
 Nausea is a feeling of an unpleasant and uneasy sensation. While not painful, it creates discomfort and an urge to vomit and dizziness, etc. Nausea is often related to stomach problems but it can also indicate some unease with heart.
  • Swelling & Sweating:
 A weakened heart pumps blood less effectively which results in swelling (edema) of the lower extremities or abdomen. Heart failure can also lead to a sudden increase in weight and loss of appetite.
Similarly, sweating is a common symptom of heart attacks. Specifically when you break out into a sudden sweat for no reason with lightheadedness and shortness of breath nausea.
These are some main alarming signs for Heart Problems that you should never ignore, If you notice any of the symptoms, see your doctor and get prompt medical treatment.
These symptoms can also be related to other heart problems. Fortis International Bangalore has an advanced centre for Cardiac Sciences with 24X7 ultra-modern heart care facility. Get the best treatment for any type of Heart Problems – Heart Transplantation or Valve Replacement Surgery from the best cardiologists in India. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Understanding Liver Cirrhosis: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatment

Liver care
Liver cirrhosis is a disease in which scar tissues replace healthy liver cells slowly. Cirrhosis gets developed gradually over many years and if not detected at the right time, it can stop liver functioning. Check available Liver Cirrhosis Treatment options in India.  

Cirrhosis of the Liver can be caused by many forms of liver diseases and conditions, such as hepatitis and excessive alcohol consumption or another cause. 
Whenever a liver gets injured by any of the above causes, it tries to repair itself and in this process of recovering, scar issues get formed. The condition when too much scar tissue builds up in the Liver, known as Cirrhosis.


The following signs and symptoms may occur in the initial stages of Cirrhosis:

  • Fatigue and Breathlessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swelling in legs, feet or ankles
  • Yellow discoloration in the skin and eyes
  • Fluid accumulation in the abdomen
  • Spiderlike blood vessels on skin
  • For women, absent or loss of periods not related to menopause
  • For men, loss of sex drive, breast enlargement or testicular atrophy
  • Red or blotchy palms 
  • Confusion, drowsiness and slurred speech
  • Blood capillaries become visible on the skin on the upper abdomen
  • Pain or tenderness in the liver area
  • Difficulties processing drugs and alcohol


Your liver may be at risk of liver cirrhosis in the following conditions:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor for liver cirrhosis.
  • Being overweight increases your risk of conditions that may lead to fatty liver disease.
  • Having viral hepatitis, Wilson disease, hemochromatosis and other rare inherited liver diseases.

Liver Cirrhosis can be healed and minimized if diagnosed early. Mostly, Cirrhosis treatment varies based on the causes. Consult at best Liver Cirrhosis Treatment Hospital in India.
  • Reduce alcohol dependency: The patient should completely avoid alcohol. A treatment program for treating alcohol addiction is also recommended.
  • Diet and Medications: If diagnosed in the early stages, the worsening of cirrhosis can be prevented by enhancing and modifying diet. Similarly, medications can also reduce the occurrence of ascites, edema, and the buildup of toxins.
  • Liver Transplant: In the cases of liver failure, when the liver ceases to function and can not survive longer, a liver transplant may be the only treatment option where the damaged liver is replaced with a healthy liver from a deceased donor.
Fortis Centre for Liver Care & Transplant Hospitals offers the best treatment options for Liver Cirrhosis in India. Fortis’ Liver care and transplantation team is led by Dr. Mahesh Gopasetty who have successfully performed over 2000 transplants.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Blood Cancer: Before treatment and life after treatment

What is Cancer ?

Cancer is considered one of the most fatal conditions in India. It strikes mentally and physically and make it hard to get back to normal life. A person needs to be ready to fight the deadly diseases like this and the first initiative towards this is the awareness about the conditions and treatments of Cancer.

When you have been diagnosed with cancer, you must ensure the best possible medical care and treatment for it. Choosing your doctor and treatment center will be one of the crucial decisions toward making your life back to the track post-treatment.

Why you Choose Fortis Hospital ?

Fortis Hospital provides faster and more accurate treatment for cancer conditions. It has been recognized worldwide for the best cancer treatment in India, it offers a multidisciplinary approach by highly specialized doctors who have made it possible to obtain noticeable improvements in the symptoms and functional abilities of cancer patients with the best post-treatment care at the stage of healing and recovery, at the phase of restarting with the life.

There can be different kinds of cancer diagnosed in a person, among which Blood
Cancer is considered one of the most dangerous. But with the correct treatment, the risk can be lower and once treatment finishes it becomes easy to regain your strength and gradually you can recover from cancer completely.

The process of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of blood cancer known as Oncology. To get significant improvements in the treatment of blood cancer it is essential to take consultation and treatment from Hemato-Oncologistexperts.

Blood cancer treatment depends on the stage of cancer and the medical condition of the patient. The techniques include one or more of these following procedures - Stem Cell Transplantation, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy.

Fortis Hospitals has been the most trusted BloodCancer Treatment Hospital. The team of oncologists at Fortis Hospitals is capable of treating all forms of cancer and are widely recognized for their blood cancer treatment program in India.

They provide comprehensive care for cancer treatment from diagnostic tests to post-operative remedial measures. The hospital takes full responsibility of your well-being from diagnostic tests to post-operative remedial measures.

Know more about the treatment options available.

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer

While memory loss / inability in keeping track of everyday moments might very casually be associated with aging and / or addiction, i...