Monday, June 24, 2019

Heart Pain – FAQ’s Answered by a Cardiologist

Signs of a heart attack range from the most classic sign of feeling like an elephant sitting on your chest, of course along with sweating to back pain, neck pain, nausea, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, etc.

The key take away point is that if there is any concern for a heart attack whatsoever, every second counts. Let’s discuss signs of a heart attack in more depth. To know more about it, consult at Fortis International Care for it has the best set of cardiac specialists in India.

Chest pain that may radiate: 

Chest pain is the most common and classic sign of a heart attack. It’s often poorly localized, but is usually in the area behind the breastbone and associated with a pressure like sensation. The pain may radiate to the neck and jaw areas, the left arm might feel a squeezing like sensation. These symptoms are known as angina.


The medical term for sweating here is diaphoresis, a well-known sign of a heart attack. This occurs due to activation of a defense mechanism known as the sympathetic nervous system. The sweating may occur with or without chest pain.

Shortness of breath: 

Alongside the symptoms mentioned above, shortness of breath is also well recognized when it comes to signs of a heart attack. This occurs as a result of heart failure caused by heart muscle dysfunction from the heart attack.

Passing out: 

This may be a sign of a heart attack, and as with other signs or symptoms can occur in isolation or with the other signs mentioned. It may be due to a number of reasons that include an unusual heart rhythm and low blood pressure. Prompt attention is advisable if a patient faces any of the above symptoms.

Signs of a heart attack- A summary

Although the usual symptoms of a heart attack are known to be chest pain and pressure, radiating to the neck and left arm with shortness of breath, it’s also important to recognize that many patients will have alternative signs and symptoms, especially women. 

These include back pain, neck pain, jaw pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc. The clever move in this situation is to call for an ambulance without delay as this this may as well save the life of the person experiencing the heart attack.

Equipped with the most learned doctors and world-class facilities, Fortis International Care has been one of the best cardiac surgery hospitals in India.

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