Friday, March 8, 2019

5 subtle signs your liver isn’t healthy

Your liver being one of the body’s largest organs, is responsible for a lot of metabolic functions like making sure that the toxic substances are flushed out before they cause any harm. When your liver is in trouble, there are a couple of ways it lets you know- so here are five such signs your liver isn’t healthy:

You have super-itchy skin

A chronic disease that destroys the bile ducts in your liver- doesn’t typically have notable symptoms, but one of the signs is itchy skin. Sure your skin can be itchy but if that’s happening regularly,

 it might worth getting your attention- especially because itchy skin works as an indicator of cirrhosis of the liver.

Your skin or eyes turning yellow

Seeing the whites of your eyes slowly turning white or even your skin yellowing can be incredibly scary, but that’s called jaundice. It’s caused due to a high level of bilirubin in the body which is a yellow-ish pigment that’s secreted by the liver. In case that happens,

 it could be signs of cirrhosis and hepatitis B, so ideally consulting a doctor is recommended. At Fortis Hospitals which is considered to be one of the premium liver transplant hospitals in India, will treat you with just what you’d require.

You’re always tired

Feeling really tired lately, no matter what you do? Liver disease might be the reason. One of the most common signs of liver damage is chronic fatigue. If you find yourself regularly exhausted, make sure you go meet the doctor for a check-up.

You’ve swollen legs and ankles

Liver disease can be caused from excessive alcohol consumption to obesity, and one common sign is something you probably haven’t ever thought of and that is swelling in your legs and ankle. If you’re experiencing the same, a visit to the doctor might be in order.

Your appetite has almost disappeared

Imagine you could chew everything at one point and now you don’t even get hungry. Another one of the most common signs of liver damage is loss of appetite.

If you’re facing these subtle signs of change in your body, then you’re to consult at Fortis Hospitals which ranges itself as one of the best liver hospitals in India.

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