Monday, August 26, 2019

Indications for Liver Transplantation

In general, liver transplantation is indicated in children and adults suffering from irreversible liver dysfunction or the effects of liver dysfunction after alternative medical and surgical treatments have been put to use. Consult at Fortis Hospitals for it offers premium liver transplant surgery in India.

Specific indications can include:

1.      Acute hepatic fulminant failure

2.      Extrahepatic biliary atresia or hypoplasia

3.      Inborn errors of metabolism involve:

·         Alpha-I antitrypsin

·         Crigler-Najjar disease, Type I

·         Byler’s disease

·         Glycogen storage disease, Type I

·         Wilson’s disease

·         Hemochromatosis

·         Tyrosinemia

·         Wolman’s disease

·         Other

4.      Sclerosing cholangitis

5.      Hepatic vein thrombosis

6.      Hepatocellular Carcinoma

·         Cirrhosis including:

·         Alcohol cirrhosis

·         Biliary cirrhosis

·         Chronic active hepatitis

·         Congenital biliary cirrhosis

·         Cryptogenic cirrhosis

·         Viral cirrhosis

·         Other

Equipped with best in-class facilities and a set of erudite doctors, Fortis Hospitals is known to be one of the best liver transplant hospitals in India.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Renal Biopsy - Things You Must Know!

Fortis Hospitals, one of the premium hospitals that is known for its acute kidney failuretreatment in India. Now let’s throw some light on what is kidney biopsy.
A kidney or renal biopsy involves taking one or more tiny pieces (samples) of your kidney to look at with special microscopes. The biopsy sample may be taken in one of the two ways:

Percutaneous (through the skin) biopsy: It’s a process where a needle is placed through the skin that lies over the kidney and guided to the right place in the kidney, usually with the help of ultrasound.

Open biopsy: Here, the kidney sample is taken directly from the kidney during surgery. The kidney sample is then sent to a doctor who takes a close look at it with a microscope.

Reasons for doing a kidney biopsy:

Some kidney problems can often be found with blood and urine tests, a sonogram or other special x-rays, and a physical exam rather than a biopsy.

Specific reasons to do a kidney biopsy include:

·         Blood in the urine or protein in the urine

·         Abnormal blood test results

·         Acute or chronic kidney disease with no clear cause

·         Nephrotic syndrome and glomerular disease

Possible risks of kidney biopsy:

The risks of kidney biopsy are very small, but they should be discussed with your healthcare provider first. A blood transfusion may be needed if serious bleeding occurs. Rarely, surgery may be needed to fix a blood vessel that is damaged during the procedure.

Biopsy procedure:

A kidney biopsy is usually done in a hospital under doctor’s supervision. An overnight stay may be required to watch for any kind of glitch. You may be awake with only light sedation, or asleep under general anesthesia. You will be lying face down with a pillow under your rib cage. If the biopsy is done on a transplanted kidney, you’ll be asked to lie on your back then.

Things to remember

Before the biopsy:
·         Have a word with your doctor to make sure you understand the need for a biopsy and the risks and benefits.

·         Tell your doctor about any allergies you have and medicines you have consumed earlier.

·         Avoid blood thinning medications and supplements.

·         Avoid food and fluid for eight hours before the test.

After the biopsy:

·         Follow the doctor’s instructions. Rest in bed for 12 to 24 hours.

·         Avoid blood thinning medications.

·         Report any problems, such as:

·         Blood urine for more than 24 hours after the biopsy

·         Unable to pass urine

·         Fever

·         Feeling dizzy

At Fortis Hospitals, you receive one of the best renal biopsy treatments in India.

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