Thursday, February 21, 2019

What you need to know about Cancer!

Cancer causes cells to divide uncontrollably- most of us are aware about that. But cancer is a broad term. It describes the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells. Some types of cancer cause rapid cell growth, while others cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate.


 There are many causes of cancer, and some can be prevented.

In addition to smoking, risk factors for cancer include:
·         Excess body weight
·         Heavy alcohol consumption
·         Physical inactivity
·         Inadequate nutrition

Is cancer genetic?

The development of cancer depends largely on the genetic factors. Some genetic changes occur after birth, and factors such as smoking and sun exposure can increase the risk. A person can also inherit a predisposition for a type of cancer. This can be referred to as having a hereditary cancer syndrome. Get the bestcancer treatment in Bangalore only at Fortis Hospitals.


Innovative research has come up with new medications and treatment technologies. Some of the approaches to cancer treatment are:
·         Chemotherapy aims to kill cancerous cells with strong medication that focuses on rapidly dividing cells.
·        Hormone therapy comprises of taking medications that change the pattern of hormones work or interfere with the body’s ability to produce them.
·         Immunotherapy uses medications and other such treatments to boost the immune system and further pushes it to fight cancerous cells.
·         Radiation therapy uses high-dose radiation to kill these harmful cells.
·         Stem cellsurgery can prove to be extremely beneficial for people with blood-related cancers, such as leukemia or lymphoma.
Diagnosis and treatments are getting better with time and Fortis Hospitals is surely considered to be one of the best cancer hospitals in India.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Common Myths About Kidney Disease You Need to Stop Believing

Fortis Hospitals which is considered to be one of the best kidney hospitals in India offers premium care to all the patients. There are innumerous misconceptions surrounding kidney disease and to burst the bubble, let’s discuss a few myths that are believed by most of you.
·         All types of kidney diseases are irreversible.
Acute kidney injury is potentially reversible if it’s detected at an early stage and treated efficiently.

·         In kidney failure, only one kidney fails
No. It may seem unbelievable but kidney failure actually means that both the kidneys together are functioning to less than 10% of their original capacity.

·         Does swelling of body mean your kidney is failing?

No. Swelling of body can be caused by other diseases, for instance: heart disease. In kidney disease, swelling is visible only when the patient has significant loss of protein in urine. This loss of protein can lead to kidney failure if not diagnosed and treated promptly.

·        Once dialysis is done, then it’s to last forever

In acute kidney injury, patient’s dialysis can be stopped after recovery of renal functions either partially or entirely. Even in chronic kidney disease sometimes sudden and abrupt deterioration may occur which may subside with dialysis for a short period of time.

·         Kidney donation cannot be done across gender

Both male and female can donate kidney voluntarily to their family member if the blood group is compatible.

·          All types of kidney disease are aggressive by nature

Not all kidney diseases are serious. Few worsen pretty slowly and may take a couple of years. However, kidney biopsy is needed to establish diagnosis precisely.

At FortisInternational Care , we take utmost care of all our patients who are suffering from immense kidney diseases. Backed by a patient-centric approach that’s focused on quality care utilizing leading edge technology, we are certainly one of the best kidney transplanthospitals in India.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

An overview of Neurosurgery

As the name goes, neurosurgery is the surgical specialty that deals with the nervous system that includes the brain, spinal cord and various nerves of the body.
There are numerous types of brain surgery and it’s determined by the area of the brain and the condition of the same. Advances in medical technology have enabled surgeons to operate without a single incision and Fortis Hospitals has been consistent in providing the best neurosurgery treatment in India.

Trauma is a very common reason for neurosurgery. After severe trauma, the brain often begins to swell and surgery needs to be performed to release the pressure. Imagine spraining an ankle, it’s obvious to have a swollen ankle afterward. The same happens when your brain is injured, it swells and can cause further damage. Cancer can also be the reason that neurosurgery is needed as cancer can occur in the brain and along the spinal cord.

Why is it done?

Brain surgery is done to fix the abnormalities in the brain. You may need brain surgery if you have any of the following symptoms in or around the brain:
·         Bleeding
·         Blood clots
·         An aneurysm
·         Abnormal blood vessels
·         Nerve damage
·         Stroke
·         Brain tumors
Not all of these conditions require a surgery, but many may be helped by it, especially if they pose a risk to deteriorate your health further.

Types of Brain surgery

There are several types but it majorly depends on what the problem is:
·         Craniotomy: It involves making an incision in the scalp and creating a hole known as a bone flap in the skull. When the procedure is complete, the bone flap is usually secured in place with plates or wires.
·         Biopsy: This is used to remove a small amount of brain tissue or a tumor so it can b examined under a microscope.
·         Minimally invasive Neuroendoscopy: Here, the surgeons makes small holes in the skull to access parts of your brain during this surgery.

Risks involved:

All surgical procedures come with some kind of risk. Since, brain surgery is a critical medical affair, it carries extra risk:
·         Bleeding in the brain
·         Blood clot
·         Brain swelling
·         Coma
·         Memory Problems
·         Allergic reaction

Neurosurgery is an important part of medicine that deals with the healing and treatment of the brain. Equipped with world-class facilities and expert Neuro surgeons, Fortis International Care  has been one of the leading brain surgery hospitalsin India

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