Thursday, December 27, 2018

About Bypass Surgery

Heart surgeries can be stressful but having proper knowledge regarding your heart’s condition, what to expect from the procedure, lowering risks of the surgery and aftercare can alleviate your fear to an extent. First of all you need to understand what heart bypass surgery is. It’s performed to bypass one or more damaged or blocked arteries in your heart with a blood vessel graft to restore normal blood flow to the heart. It aims to create a new pathway and divert the flow to your heart muscle. Fortis is considered to be one of the best heart hospitals in India. With a team of erudite doctors and cutting-edge medical technology, our hospital is listed among the best heart surgery hospitals in Bangalore.
Why is it done?                                                                         
If you’re detected with symptoms like chest pain, irregular heartbeat or shortness of breath, you’re most likely to get a heart attack. It is caused by the buildup of fatty deposits or plaque in your coronary arteries.
Things you should consider before your surgery:
Plan your surgery taking into account the time of your surgery, for how long your hospital stay would be and recovery time, so that it doesn’t affect your daily routine. Also, check with your doctor before stopping any medication. Quit smoking as it’s one of the major risk factors for heart diseases and also delays recovery time. Get your blood pressure and diabetes checked as well.
Tests done a few days before the surgery:
·         Complete blood count (CBC): If you’re diagnosed with low blood count, then your doctor can prepare for blood transfusion in advance.
·         Chest X-ray: To assess the shape and size of your heart and aorta.
·         Cardiac catheterization: To identify the location of blockages in your coronary arteries that will help your doctor in planning your surgery.
·         Other tests include kidney and liver function tests to determine the functionalities of these organs.

Recovery post-surgery:
It usually requires you to stay for about a week in the hospital. Bypass surgery is an invasive procedure and may have a long recovery time. It’s important to take care of your incision wound and look for any signs of redness, swelling or drainage from the wound. Advised to consume healthy food, avoid any kind of situation that puts you through stress, cut fat from your diet and quit smoking for a speedy recovery. You must keep in mind that bypass surgery is not a procedure that cures the underlying heart disease, you need to make some lifestyle changes as well and follow the medications prescribed by your doctor to prevent further blockage.
Incorporating innovative technology and clinical expertise, Fortis International Care Hospitals stands out to provide the best-in-class open heart surgery in Bangalore

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

All About BMT & Hematology Treatment

Fortis International ranks as one of the best hematology hospitals in India. Backed by world-class infrastructure and a team of experienced oncologists, our hospital offers premium hematology care in India. Bone Marrow Transplantation is one of the best and trusted solution to blood cancer treatment. Usually regarded as the last treatment option, BMT is recommended when other methods fail to yield positive results.

Fortis International is among the best hematology hospitals in India that utilize cutting-edge technology and superior medical finesse to bring you an optimal medical experience. Our BMT treatment techniques involve using radiation therapy and stem cell therapy to provide the highest success rate to patients. Oncologists at our facility utilize the power of stem cells to treat all forms of cancers. Offering first-class hematology treatment in Bangalore, our team administers stem cell therapy to prevent and treat not just leukemia but also a host of other neurodegenerative diseases and other conditions like- spinal cord injuries, brain injury, heart disease, and muscle or ligament regeneration.

The soft tissues present (bone marrow) within our bones are responsible for producing all the blood cells in our body. The bone marrow may be damaged when a person is exposed to radiation or receives high doses of chemotherapy. In a BMT procedure, the damaged marrow is replaced with healthy bone marrow, extracted from a donor. The process requires finding a matching donor that could be either from the patient’s family or a person not related by blood.

One of the best hematology hospitals in India, we are backed by some of the finest medical professionals. Our doctors follow the aspiration method to collect the bone marrow- i.e. using an advanced, finer needle. Fortis International Care is equipped with the most advanced HEPA filtered rooms that reduce the chances of airborne infections among patients.  

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